We believe that providing knowledge about Paediatric Dentistry for dental practitioners will result in better outcomes for your patients and lower stress appointments for you.
We believe that providing knowledge about Paediatric Dentistry for dental practitioners will result in better outcomes for your patients and lower stress appointments for you.
Dealing with children and special needs patients can be very stressful and uncertain. Clinical tips and hints can help you to navigate this tricky area. You will find your own way of dealing with children, however sometimes seeing someone else in action can help you along.
This post will discuss our techniques for giving local anaesthetic and variations we make for different procedures.
A crucial part of providing high-quality and predictable paediatric dental care is mastering local anaesthetic in children. We are going to try and summarise its use in paediatric dentistry and provide an overview of some safety information. This will be broken over two posts.
Our courses provide attendees with the skills and knowledge to more confidently and competently manage paediatric patients in the general dental environment.