Paediatric Case Presentations

This month’s post is actually a video presentation that we gave to Dental Practitioners on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland recently. In this, we presented 4 cases that are common to see in general dental practice.


Our aim for this presentation was to provide some guidance for how we arrive at treatment plans for patients. One of the greatest pleasures, and challenges, of paediatric dentistry is trying to plan for the best future oral health of the patient in a landscape that is undergoing constant change!


We covered 4 cases and talked through possible treatment plans and how we provide treatment to children with variable levels of compliance. We also discussed the pros and cons of each approach, as there is rarely ever a ‘perfect plan’.

We have also considered the current COVID19 environment and review what possible treatments you could provide under certain dental restrictions.


We hope that this is beneficial for you. If you have any questions about the cases, or have your own cases that you would like some advice on, please reach out to us.

All the best

Sarah and Tim

Tim Keys